We've received reports from some users of InformTN accessing the site via Google Chrome due to an issue with user-installable extensions.

These users have been unable to:

  • Access "Analyze Needs"
  • Search public plans
  • Navigate to previous school years
  • Add / edit action steps
  • Add / edit funding sources


If you are experiencing this issue, please try the following steps:

  • Try accessing https://edplan.tn.gov from an incognito window in Chrome. Incognito windows will disable all installed extensions.
  • If you can access the functionality in incognito mode, try selectively disabling individual extensions until site functionality is accessible from the "normal" Chrome window.
For further assistance, please contact inform-tn-help@sip.eldarion.com.

Need help?

Locked SSO Accounts

Individuals that have a locked SSO account should send an email to  DT.Support@tn.gov requesting a new Welcome email.

  • Click here for instructions to reset your SSO password.

For further assistance with your SSO account, including requests to have the ePlan tile added, please contact our District Technology team at DT.Support@tn.gov or (800) 495-4154.